Disaster Recovery: a relatively new offering for TechKey, we work with our clients on building a cloud based backup solution, protecting their company or personal data from unfortunate and unforseeable events.
WebSite Consulting: a new and forming department within TechKey, we can now work with you to build out a website that meets your needs. Ask us about how we can help.
Network Support: Primarily used by our business customers, we can support your network from routers and switches to servers, systems and printers.
Your IT Department:Small businesses often don't have the resources or the need to bring on their own IT department. Now they don't have to. Let TechKey be your IT department. For just a fraction of the cost, TechKey can be your 24/7 lifeline. Ask bout our service contract offerings.
New System Configuration: We can alleviate the daunting task of taking your data from your old system to your new system. Working with you, we can achieve much the same feel as you were used to from your old system including bookmarks, favourites and of course all of your data.
Please Note: TechKey Computer Support Services is in NO WAY affiliated with a product called TechKey. If you purchased a USB device called TechKey and need support, we recommend you call Amazon or the place you purchased the product from in order to get support from the seller.